Days don’t always go how you think they will

I went to the Forget Me Knot Day event as mentioned in my last blog post. I was right about many things, but it certainly didn’t all go how I thought it would.

The day did have all of the great things I wrote about previously, and there was much love and friendship. Really, the only downer for the day was that it went over time.

This meant that by time the last act was on, there weren’t many people left. The bowling club members had begun setting up the venue for another event being held later.

This happens I guess, when you have an event with lots happening. I saw and heard many exciting things on the day. One of the highlights for me was Freda Briggs, who spoke about how she got involved in working to help abused children. She is an amazing woman, that’s for sure.

So the day was successful and fun. It’s just a shame I was the last person appearing…

Re-reading my poetry collection

Tomorrow I’m going to have my first ‘gig’ reading from my poetry collection since it was launched a couple of months ago. It was an interesting experience going through to very personal poems that make up this collection.

I had to examine each poem objectively – was this suitable for the probable audience, was it relevant to the event, would it be understood. I’ve picked out ten poems that I feel will work, and now I just have to get there tomorrow, remembering to bring my copy of my collection with the tags inside, and a copy of the sheet I’ve typed with page numbers and poem titles listed.

The event I’m going to tomorrow afternoon is the Night Voices “Extravaganza” The event will start at 1pm and will be held at Marion RSL Hall Norfolk Road. I’m looking forward to having a great day tomorrow of poetry, love and friendship!

This is being held as a fundraiser in tribute of “Forget-me-knot Day” For Adults Surviving child abuse and neglect. There will be words and music, dancing and friendship. Add to that guest speakers and a sausage sizzle and you have a fun afternoon!

I’m feeling nervous and excited in good ways. I feel like this is going to open up even more doors, taking me closer to what I want to do in my life.